咩係made up one's mind
咩係made up one's mind
make 是動詞, made 是他的過去式。make 意思是「造」(建造、創造) make 後面加介詞, 意思就有很多變化。 如 make after (someone/something) 意思是---追逐、追捕 例句:The policeman made after the burglar yesterday.(昨天那警察追捕賊人) 如 make off 意思是---逃走 例句: The thief made off in a stolen car. ( 賊人巳用偷來的車逃走了) make up one's mind 意思是---某人下决心 例句:Peter made up his mind to study in England last year. (去年彼得下決心往英國讀書。) 其中 one's 是代表一些代名詞, 就是 my, your, his, her, our, their, its 。 例句:I make up my mind to be a good mother.(我下決心要做一個好媽媽。) 單是 make up 意思是化妝 例句:She spent an hour making up before the party. (宴會前她用了一小時來化妝。) 單是 make (something) up 意思是組成 例句: Animal bodies are made up of cells. (動物身體是由細胞組成。) 單是make up 還可解作放在一起、配(藥)、收拾(床)、....... make 這字用途十分寬, 是一個常用的字, 但不研究清楚就會用錯。
意思即係打定主意|||||made up one's mind 係"make up one's mind" 呢個phrase 既過去式 意思係「下決心」