What number exceeds 25 by the same amount as it falls short of 49? 加上詳細解釋
Is easy..37 ..It exceeds 25 by 12 and it falls shorts of 49 by 12. You can calculate like this: (49-25)/2= 12 then u add 12 to 25..gets 37... 49-12 also gets 37.. 2007-08-28 00:29:27 補充: How can it be 36??!! 36-25=11 which is not equal to 49-36 which is =13 ...So is NOT 36..don't need to make things so complicated , is just a simple /- question
I think the answer should be 36 As 25 is the square of 5 and 49 is the of 7 therefore I guess the answer is the square of 6 also 36 is the number that between 25 and 49 that's mean exceeds 25 and falls short of 49