知唔知呢幾句英文既聖經點解~要中文!1.Not looking eveyoe to his private good,but keeping in mind the things of others.(Philippians 2:4)2.There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.(Act 20:35)3.We have the power of loving,becauseHe first had love for us.(1 John 4:19)4.Have love for your neighbour as for... 顯示更多 知唔知呢幾句英文既聖經點解~要中文! 1.Not looking eveyoe to his private good,but keeping in mind the things of others.(Philippians 2:4) 2.There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.(Act 20:35) 3.We have the power of loving,becauseHe first had love for us.(1 John 4:19) 4.Have love for your neighbour as for yourself(Matthew 22:39)
1.Not looking eveyone to his private good,but keeping in mind the things of others.(Philippians 2:4) 各人不要單顧自己的事,也要顧別人的事(和合本) 直譯:各人不要只看自己的私人益處,卻要將他人的事放於心上 2.There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.(Act 20:35) 施比受更為有福(和合本) 3.We have the power of loving,becauseHe first had love for us.(1 John 4:19) 我們愛,因為神先愛我們(和合本) 直譯:我們有愛的能力,因為祂(神)先愛我們。 4.Have love for your neighbour as for yourself(Matthew 22:39) 要愛人如己(和合本) 直譯:愛你的鄰舍如同自己
英1.Not looking eveyoe to his private good,but keeping in mind the things of others.(Philippians 2:4) 中1切勿看重別人的利益,要記住這些是他人的?(腓力比書2:4) 英2.There is a greater blessing in giving than in getting.(Act 20:35) 中2施比受更為有福?(◎◎20:35) 英3.We have the power of loving,because he first had love for us.(1 John 4:19) 中3我們有愛的力量,因為祂首先愛我們?(◎◎4:19) 英4.Have love for your neighbour as for yourself(Matthew 22:39) 中4你要愛鄰舍如同自己?(馬太福音22:39)|||||1.Not 看eveyoe 對他私有好, 但記住事others.(Philippians 2:4) 2.There 比在getting.(Act 20:35) 3.We 有愛, becauseHe 的力量第一次有對us.(1 約翰4:19) 4.Have 愛的愛對您的鄰居至於為yourself(Matthew 22:39) 是一個更加巨大的祝福在給|||||1 。不找eveyoe以他的私人好的,但我們要銘記的東西等。 ( 4:8 2 4) 2 。有一個更大的祝福給予比獲得。 (法20 3 5) 3 。我們有權力的愛好, becausehe先有愛我們。 ( 1約翰4 19) 4 。有愛你的鄰居,至於自己(馬太22 39)