
How 2b Asiamile Green Card Member?





How 2b Asiamile Green Card Member?


There's no such thing called 'Asiamiles Green Card'. Asiamiles has only one card design and that's blue in colour. To become a member you simply fill in the online application form and send it back. Then you'll receive your membership number and a temporary card that you can print out. Once you've quoted and finished your first qualified flight with one of the partner airlines, you'll receive your official member card by mail. There's no membership fee for this programme, though the renewal of your mileage incurs charge. I believe you're talking about the Macro Polo Club membership. To apply for that you simply go to the dedicated webpage in Cathay Pacific's website, fill in the application form and pay the membership fee (US$50). Then you'll receive your basic card green in colour. To get promotion to upper club class you'll have to quote specified number of flights or mileage per annual. You'll also need to fly at least 4 sectors with Cathay Pacific or any OneWorld partner airline per annual in order to renew your green card membership, or otherwise it'll be suspended. Here're the links: www.asiamiles.com http://www.cathaypacific.com/cpa/en_CA/ffp/mpo


綠卡會員 呢個會員級別會要你的Asiamiles 分到約8萬, 和你已經年滿18, Asiamiles 會send 封信, 問你up 唔up grade 到Marco Polo 綠卡, 而唔洗加任何費用. 你而家要等, 同呢個係佢地choose, 唔係話你想就可以, 所以要等!

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