
一個家庭,男士 30歲, 女士 28歲及小男孩 2歲,. 月入5萬,支出3萬, 請你提議保險的安排?


一個家庭,男士 30歲, 女士 28歲及小男孩 2歲,. 月入5萬,支出3萬, 請你提議保險的安排?





保險有好多種類,最重要係睇下你現在有沒其他投資,如果你沒其他安排 每月有存2 萬,我建議你每月用3500來投資保費, 大人每人大約各1千,(存款及醫療) bb就500,全部係存款,唔好買醫療,等他4歲 先再加醫療買,因為現在買係貴好多.其他資金你最好係存起做流動資金,因為本人係一個好例子,有錢時候買好多份 當你每月收入有問題,你想供少D多唔得,特別係仔仔個份,如果要供10年,你先存起來收息先,同時也可以幫補下,如你未有找邊間保險,我建議你買ING,如有需要我可以介紹給你 因為個保險經紀唔煩,經驗之談 e-mail:tony2007325@yahoo.com.hk


In the portfolio Management are divided to 4 parts I) Risk Management II)Education Fund III)Wealth Management IV)Retirment Scheme. Before I have a personal financial analysis for you. I need to know something sbout you and your family. 1.) Have you got any insurance before?(e.g. Life, Accident, Critical illness, Medical) 1a.) Why you have/have not got a insurance before? 2.) Have you prepare the Education Fund for you child? 2a.) Why you need to prepare the Education Fund for your child? 3.) Are you a properties owner? If yes: how much is your property? How many years you need to pay for installment? If no: Have you decide to buy a property in this few year? 4.) Did your wife need to work? 5.) The salary ratio of you and your wife? 6.) Would you need to takecare your parents? Anyone can share yours responsibilities? The questions on above are really personal. Because if the fact finding is not enough, I can't to step forward. Actually I'm a Financial Consultant in AXA. If you trust me, you can send me a E-mail at : solarload270982@hotmail.com

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