
P.A bad debts & provision for bad debts 急需!!


完全做到一頭霧水 大家幫幫手 題目太長..所以post落"回答"果度啦... 下面果題... 更新: K.Lee satared his business on 1 january 2005. The financial year ands on 31 December. The debtors account had the following year-end balance: 2005 year $45200 2006 year $51300 更新 2: during these two years , the following debts had to be written off as bad: 2005 year lucky Ltd. $1600 / Mui Mui Co. $3500 2006 year J.Kim $930 / Sunny Co. $2800 / F.Fung $700 更新 3: prepare the following accounts for the year ended 31 dec 2005 and 2006 (A)the bad debts account (B)the extracted profit and loss accounts (C)the extracted balance sheets





(A) the bad debts account In 31 Dec 2005 Dr. Bad Debts $5100 Cr. Debtor A/C - Lucky Ltd $1600 Cr. Debtor A/C - Mui Mui Co $3500 In 31 Dec 2006 Dr. Bad Debts $4430 Cr. Debtor A/C - J Kim $930 Cr. Debtor A/C - Sunny Co $2800 Cr. Debtor A/C - F Fung $700 (B) the extracted profit and loss account In 31 Dec 2005 Expenses Bad Debts $5100 In 31 Dec 2006 Expenses Bad Debts $4430 (C) the extracted balance sheets In 31 Dec 2005 Current Assets Debtors ($45200 - $5100) $40100 In 31 Dec 2006 Current Assets Debtors ($51300 - $4430) $46870 I hope I could help you!!


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