





1.我想問下在38線駐守既南韓軍人和美軍有咩要求? 2.我想問下在38線駐守既南韓軍人既頭盔上面既字解咩?


1.我想問下在38線駐守既南韓軍人和美軍有咩要求? Panmunjom - The Korean DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) are called Joint Security Area. It is under control by United Nation Korean Command (or United National Command (Korea) Not everyone can get in the DMZ, both North and South Korean Citizens and Soldier are NOT permitted to enter DMZ, the UN only allow 1 garrison each of North and South Korean Army MP unit, attached to the UNC(Korea) to station in either side of the DMZ, as border guard. US army personnel are also bar from to enter the DMZ without authorisation, again, only US Soldier who are belong to the UNC(Korea) and Joint US/Korean Command can enter the DMZ. Most of them are MP units from 2d Infantry Division Beside US, North and South Korean Troops, DMZ also house a garrison of neutral country delegate, such as Swedish, Swiss, and Lexumbourg Troop act as an immediate mediator. (Well, in response to international incident such as the North sinking the South Patrol boat in 2010) 2.我想問下在38線駐守既南韓軍人既頭盔上面既字解咩? 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/75/Korean_DMZ_Soldier_Arm_Band.jpg/450px-Korean_DMZ_Soldier_Arm_Band.jpg Do you mean this and this? This mean MP(Military Police) in Korean pronounced (Heon-byeong), the arm band are tanslated into English in the next picture 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d3/Joint_Security_Area_observation_tower.jpg/800px-Joint_Security_Area_observation_tower.jpg Still Can't read it? The word above and level with the UN badge is Joint Security Area The word below the UN badge is Pan Mun Jom (38 Parallel) The 2 big Korean Word is MP The word below the MP is the name of the soldier


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