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藍鯨響 20 世紀之前全世界嘅海洋都好易搵倒,喺 20 世紀頭嗰 40 年,藍鯨俾人捉到差唔多絕種。國際社會,響1966年,取締捕鯨呢種行為,2002年一份報告估計有 5000 至 12000 條[4],分成五本地組。較近對 Pygmy 亞組嘅研究認為呢個數目可能低估[5]。響大量捕鯨之前,數目最多係 239,000 條(由 202,000 至 311,000 條 )喺南極搵倒[6],家下只剩低 2000... 顯示更多 藍鯨響 20 世紀之前全世界嘅海洋都好易搵倒,喺 20 世紀頭嗰 40 年,藍鯨俾人捉到差唔多絕種。國際社會,響1966年,取締捕鯨呢種行為,2002年一份報告估計有 5000 至 12000 條[4],分成五本地組。較近對 Pygmy 亞組嘅研究認為呢個數目可能低估[5]。響大量捕鯨之前,數目最多係 239,000 條(由 202,000 至 311,000 條 )喺南極搵倒[6],家下只剩低 2000 條集中喺東北太平洋、南極、以及印度洋。北大西洋有至少仲有兩組,南半球亦有少兩個。 身體構造 同齒鯨唔同,鬚鯨冇牙,但有鬚。鬚係用來過濾食物。 雖然大隻過齒鯨,但係由於食物細小,所以食道仲細過齒鯨。 一般來講,鬚鯨都有四個胃 [1]。 其中第一個胃係由食道變成,唔會消化食物。用來放一次過吞入嘅食物。 第二同第三個胃先係用來消化食物。 食物 一條座頭鯨鬚鯨大多都以浮游生物作主糧,有啲品種有時會食細魚。 佢哋食野,係用鬚來過濾啲食物,同海水分開咗之後,吞入肚。 更新: 食物 一條座頭鯨鬚鯨大多都以浮游生物作主糧,有啲品種有時會食細魚。 佢哋食野,係用鬚來過濾啲食物,同海水分開咗之後,吞入肚。 只係呢段PLEASE
Blue whales ring for the expense of the world before the 20th century are a good marine easy quick down, Remember the first 40 strokes, blue whales reprimanded caught touchdown extinction. The international community, horn 1966, it acts whaling ban, a report in 2002 estimated that 5,000 to 12,000 [4], divided into five local groups. Nearer the expense of Pygmy subgroup of study believe that the number may have underestimated [5]. Ring for large whaling, the largest number of 239,000 (from 202,000 to 311,000) Remember Antarctic quick inverted [6], the only low-concentration Remember 2000 Northeast Pacific, Antarctica and the Indian Ocean. There are at least two dreadful North Atlantic, the southern hemisphere has less two. Physical Structure With whales church, minke whales冇teeth, but there are areas in need. Filtration system to be used for food. While only the whales, but because of the food small, so small a SIN esophagus whales. Generally speaking, four minke whales have gastric [1]. The first of the stomach into the esophagus, Well will digest food. To take a one-off expense of food swallowed. Second with the first third of the stomach to digest food. Food A Block, most of the first whales are baleen whales to plankton disposes of grain, there are about fine varieties sometimes fresh fish. Drainage hungry boar, to be of use to filter about food, with separate likes water, swallowed belly 2007-10-20 20:33:48 補充: Food A Block, most of the first whales are baleen whales to plankton disposes of grain, there are about fine varieties sometimes fresh fish. Drainage hungry boar, to be of use to filter about food, with separate likes water, swallowed belly.