Family Law高手入: SMO (Cap 16)
上堂得知Separation and Maintenance Order (Cap 16)裏的任何orders: non-cohabitation, maintenance 和custody將會被撤銷如果夫妻相方再同居超過6個月或任何一方通姦. 這一點法例裏寫得很清楚, 而且問老師時她也確認.但我有一個極大的疑問 (包括老師的答案也讓我匪疑所思), 如果法庭只頒布"maintenance order", 即是只是說夫妻其中一方沒有妥善給maintenance對方, 他們應該還住在一起, 那為甚麼會有"如果再同居住過6個月, maintenance... 顯示更多 上堂得知Separation and Maintenance Order (Cap 16)裏的任何orders: non-cohabitation, maintenance 和custody將會被撤銷如果夫妻相方再同居超過6個月或任何一方通姦. 這一點法例裏寫得很清楚, 而且問老師時她也確認. 但我有一個極大的疑問 (包括老師的答案也讓我匪疑所思), 如果法庭只頒布"maintenance order", 即是只是說夫妻其中一方沒有妥善給maintenance對方, 他們應該還住在一起, 那為甚麼會有"如果再同居住過6個月, maintenance order就會給discharged"呢? 那是否說如果我老公/老婆只是沒有妥善給maintenance 我, 我要申請SMO maintenance order 後, 要立刻跟我的老公/老婆分居呢? 如果所有SMO orders已presume 夫妻分居, 那為甚麼會有個"non-cohabitation order"多此一舉呢? 老師給我的答案是: 對, SMO是presume 夫妻分開, 然後她再沒有更logical的解釋了. 更新: But why my notes and book mention one order is the "non-cohabitation order"? Checking the SMO, I think it refers to s5(1)(a): [to be cont] 更新 2: "that the applicant be no longer bound to cohabit with the other party to the marriage (which provision while in force shall have the effect of a decree of judicial separation on the ground of cruelty);" 更新 3: Yes, the "separation order", as what you said. So if the couple is supposed to separate in order to enforce any SMO order. Then why there is one more "separation order"?
Your teacher is both correct and wrong. 1. There is no such thing as "non-cohabitation order" under Cap. 16. 2. When a SMO is issued, the couple has to be separated. The court will not normally issue a SMO unless at least a person of the couple apply for legal separation. So it is logical to say SMO can be discharged automatically after 6 months of cohabitation. 2015-01-27 04:27:33 補充: I don't know why your note says that. But this term never shows up in the actual ordiance. My explanation is non-cohabitation order is in fact the same as the separation order. As in plain English, both mean "not living together".