usage of ''next''
Should it be ''I'll visit Lily next Monday'' or ''the next Monday'' or ''on the next Monday''? when do we add 'the' before 'next'? thanks 更新: any explanation of the rules when using 'next'?
I shall visit Lily next Monday. (correct) "the" = determiner (for something specific) We don't say "the next Monday" b'coz Next Monday is specific enough. We use "the" before next when the noun that follows is unspecific, for example: The next day is Monday ; The next question going to be hard General rule : The next (unspecific) or Next (specific)
我推薦您一個非常不錯的英語學習網站,里面有很多非常不錯的學習資源: http://www.hkenglishstudy.info 希望可以幫到你!|||||''I'll visit Lily next Monday'' = correct. answer 002 has given a very clear explanation when the is used before next.|||||It should be : I'll visit Lily on the next Monday