
F.1 maths





一到文字題就總有幾條睇吾明,吾識做,請問英文的文字題,做時要否寫解題?1. In a class of 40 students, 45% of them are boys and 55% of them are girls. What are the number of boys and girls respectively?2. The temperature last night was 25'C(度)and it is 34'C(度)noon today. What is the percentage increase/ decrease in... 顯示更多 一到文字題就總有幾條睇吾明,吾識做,請問英文的文字題,做時要否寫解題? 1. In a class of 40 students, 45% of them are boys and 55% of them are girls. What are the number of boys and girls respectively? 2. The temperature last night was 25'C(度)and it is 34'C(度)noon today. What is the percentage increase/ decrease in temperature? 請問以上的中文解釋是什麽和怎樣做,(如要解題,英文是用那部分的)


第一題: 一班有40個學生,45%係男,55%係女,計有幾多男及女 解法跟之前那位一樣 boy's no.=40x 45/100=18 girl's no.=40x 55/100=22 第二題 咋晚溫度25度攝氏,今天34度攝氏,計溫度的百分比增加或減少是多少 % increase/decrease= new reading 減 old reading 除 old reading 乘 100% =34-25/25 x100% =9/25 x100% =+36% 因為是正數,所以是%increase 至於要唔要寫解題....一開始時可以試下寫,會方便你計 但其實做得多,睇得多,會慢慢習慣睇英文文字題 到時就可以慢慢減少寫解題


1. 班裡共有40名學生, 當中45%是男同學,55%是女同學. 班上男同學和女同學的數見分別是多少? No. of boys=40 x 45% =40 x 0.45 =18 No. of girls=40 x 55% =40 x 0.55 =22 2. 昨晚的氣溫是25'C, 而今天正午的氣溫是34'C. 氣溫上升/降低的百分比是多少? The percentage of change=34'C - 25'C/25'C x 100% =9/25 x 100% =36% Therefore the percentage of temperture is 36% increased|||||1) 40 x 45/100 = 18 boys 40 x 55/100 = 20 girls 2) 30-25 = 5. So, the percentage is INCREASE to: 5/25 x 100% = 20 %

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