
請幫忙 - 會計入賬問題


會計年度係(1Apr09 to 31Mar10) 想問下而家購貨發生在10Mar10, 但銷貨發生在20Apr10, 即係吾可以當同一年度入數, 咁當中既利潤係咪吾可以當09/10年既呢?!! 同埋條數應該點入呢?!! 我聽日講話掛起條賬就得, 但吾明即係點! 請各位幫幫忙!! thanks!!! 更新: 應該咁問....銷貨會入係10/11年度, 但係09/10年度入左購貨, 咪變左成本高左囉?!! 係咁既情況應該點做?!! 條賬應該點入?!!





首先09/10當然係要入購貨, 銷售若果係20 Apr 2010的話呢, 一般唻講都係唔可以響09/10入銷售的, 一般情況下, 銷售係要根據件貨物嘅責任(包括對佢有任何損壞等)係幾時轉移到你的客戶身上, 先會於當時紀錄做銷售.... 唯一有機會係其實你同客戶響31 mar 2010之前已經簽訂合同並訂明合同簽訂日已經轉移所有貨物權利義務責任到客戶身上, 否則都要10/11年入銷售... 至於成本方面會唔會高左, 視乎你公司存貨定價制度, 一般唻講都會用累計平均法 weighted-average去計算, 但有部份公司係有銷貨訂單再有購貨的, 咁該件購貨就會直接成為該單銷貨的銷售成本... 至於入賬, 購貨時當然係入存貨 但到銷售時, 除了要入銷售之外, 亦要響存貨入面轉番個銷售成本出唻, 銷售成本就要睇你地公司本身的制度lu~~就咁好難教你.....如果係平均價, 咁假設你有10件貨, 總價值係$200, 咁即係你每件貨就會係$2, 咁每銷售一件貨就要由存貨轉$2做銷售成本.....但如果你係一單對一單, 咁當然要搵番你相對嗰單購貨的來貨價成為銷售成本啦.... 希望幫到你


這裏可以幫到你 http://yahootwiaa.17.112000.com/yahoo.com.hk/hk/auction/178987536|||||Your purchase MUST record in the current fiscal year. You have no option. If you put it in the next fiscal year and wait for the auditor to adjust, you just show the auditor you are an idiot and not even knowing basic accounting principles. The auditing scope certainly getting wide and deep, the costs of auditing should be more expensive as well. I am not sure why you said it is higher in costs. Your purchase is offset by the ending inventory, thus cost of goods sold has no impact. Are you telling me you want to increase the ending inventory, but no purchase showing? You may need a magic wand in this case. Good luck! 2010-05-11 12:45:56 補充: Depends on what products you have, sometimes using LIFO is better than FIFO. However, the change of inventory method may need full disclosure. You may need to consult with your accountant. Don't ask me because I am not cheap!|||||緊係唔得(不過你都可以入埋同一年, audit 會adjust) 10/3/10: DR PURCHASE CR A/P 20/4/10 DR SALE CR A/R 2010-05-10 17:02:27 補充: 如果要請account freelancer 入數可與我聯絡, 價錢便宜

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